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3. 9 Hole Minigolf (Old Version)
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1. Minigolf Tutorials
2. EyeDropper
3. 9 Hole Minigolf (Old Version)
News: Welcome to the Opening of Minigolf HQ! Posted by Ksbunker 
Well, Welcome Everyone to the New Unofficial Minigolf Golf Site by Ksbunker, I've got most of the bits up and working, Pic of the Week still needs some work on it as does the Weekly Poll. I've Got the Links working so feel free to visit them, some great sites amongst them. The Forum wont be up for a while but if you want to catch me I'll be at Andrew Cranes Minigolf Forum. I wont be sharing the Offline Minigolf for legal reasons, however if you want that you can get it from Here. The Welcome Guest Section to the right of this writing is for the Forum so thats useless at the moment.

I'm going to implement a ranking system for an Up and Coming Electrotank Minigolf Tournament, so visit us for more updates and further news on that. I've got a Player Database so players can Email me there Personal Bios, with their Electrotank Username so Players can recognize each other while on the Tank. Stats will simply be a work in progress, not sure what I'll include their, Hopefully some -28 Screens or Something of that nature.







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Electrotank Minigolf
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Weekly Poll
Which is your favourite Nine?
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Total votes: 1
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All graphics and content are copyright of their respective owners. Graphic examples that feature on this website are used with love and respect for their original artists. Website design by Ksbunker and all content is unaffiliated with Electrotank or their respective partners.